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Ephemeral library’s detailed program “Ambiances, tomorrow”, Volos 2016

La bibliothèque, ouverte tout la durée du congrès, proposera des temps de rencontres auteur/participant. 14 temps d’échange informel se dérouleront les après-midi lors des temps de pause des conférences. De 15h à 17 ou de 17h à 19h.

Site du congrès

We are pleased to proposed 14 open and informal meetings with congress participants who will talk about several books presented on the stand. From 3to 5 p.m ou 5 to 7 p.m.

Congress Website

Présentation détaillée des auteurs/ Detailed presentation of the authors.


> Mercredi 15h-17h / Wednesday 3 to 5 p.m.

3h30-3h45 Céline Drozd > Publications presented

drozd Architecte et docteur en Sciences pour l’Ingénieur, chercheur associée au laboratoire AAU Crenau, Maître-assistant TPCAU à l’Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Strasbourg. Ses travaux de recherche portent sur la représentation des ambiances.

Céline, architect and PHD in engineering sciences, associate researcher at the unit AAU crenau, she is a lecturer at the National school of architecture of Strasbourg since September. Her current research deals with ambiances and their representation.

Laure Brayer > Publications presented

brayerArchitecte diplômée d’État (mention recherche) et docteure en architecture (mention très honorable avec les félicitations du jury), je suis actuellement chercheure contractuelle (CDD CNRS dans la recherche ANR HAPARÊTRE : Habiter, la Part de l’être, dirigée par Anthony Pecqueux) au Laboratoire CRESSON. J’enseigne régulièrement dans les Écoles Nationales Supérieures d’Architecture (de Grenoble, Paris La Villette, Nantes et Versailles), ainsi qu’à l’École Supérieure d’Art de l’Agglomération d’Annecy dans le département Design. Je suis par ailleurs qualifiée aux fonctions de maître de conférences pour les sections CNU 18 et 24.

Laure, state certified Architect (DPLG) and PHD in architecture, Laure is currently contract researcher at the unit AAU Cresson for the ANR funded project « Haparêtre : Residing: the part of being », coordinated by Anthony Pecqueux . She regurlaly teaches at Schools of architecture in grenoble, paris la villette, nantes and versailles and also at the design dpt of the College of art (ESAAA ) at Annecy; she has also a university qualification as lecturer.

Sylvie Laroche >Publications presented

laroche Architecte d’Etat, docteure en architecture et qualifiée aux fonctions de maître de conférences pour la section CNU 24. Elle est actuellement A.T.E.R (Attachée Temporaire d’Enseignement et de Recherche) au sein de l’Institut d’Urbanisme de Grenoble (Université Pierre-Mendès-France) et chercheure associée au Centre de Recherche sur l’Espace Sonore et l’Environnement Urbain, UMR CNRS 1563 « Ambiances Architectures Urbanités ».

Sylvie is State certified architect, PHD in architecture and has also a university qualification as lecturer. She’s currently Temporary Lecturer and Research Assistant at the Urbanism institute, University of grenoble and associate researcher at the unit research Cresson.

Céline Bonicco-Donato >Publications presented

bonicco Céline Bonicco-Donato, ancienne élève de l’École Normale Supérieure, agrégée et docteur en philosophie, est maître-assistante en sciences humaines et sociales à l’École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Grenoble. Membre de l’AAU Cresson, UGA.

Céline, trained at the prestigious Ecole normale superieure,  has graduated in philosophy and holds a PhD degree . She is lecturer of humanities and social sciences at the National School of architecture of Grenoble and a member of the search unit AAU Cresson.

4h30-5h Amr Attia

Dr. Amr Attia is an academic and practitioner in the fields of architecture and planning. He has more than 20 years of academic experience as a Faculty at Ain Shams University in Cairo. PhD in planning for sustainable tourism ( University of London) , Masters degree in economics from the Development Planning Unit of University College London , Bachelor degree in architecture & urban design from Ain Shams University in Cairo. Assistant Professor, AinShams University, Faculty of Engineering, Department planning and urban design


> Jeudi 17h-19h / Thursday 5 to 7 p.m.

5h15-5h30 Dominique Laburte > Publications presented

Architecte, enseignant à l’ENSA de Strasbourg. Il est à l’origine du laboratoire Lumière-architecture.

State certified Architect, lecturer at the National school of architecture of Strasbourg. His resarch deals with urban and architectural ambiances, particularly in relation to natural lighting


5h30-5h45 Beata Anna Labuhn > Publications presented

Beata, born in Gdynia (Poland), graduated in the Netherlands from Architecture at TU Delft and from Philosophy at Leiden University, acquainted work experience as practicing architect, tutor of architectural design, architectural journalist and academic researcher.


Despoina Zavraka >
Publications presented

Despoina Zavraka is an architect (Dip. Arch. Mackintosh, GSA) and landscape architect (MLA AUTh). Since 2011, she is a lecturer at the department of landscape architecture (EMTIT) and adjunct assistant professor at the school of architecture (AUTh) teaching urban landscape design. AUth = Aristotle University of Thessaloniki / Eastern Macedonia & Thrace Institute of Technology.


Laurent Lescop > Publications presented

lescopArchitecte D.P.L.G., docteur en sciences pour l’ingénieur, enseignant à l’École nationale supérieure d’architecture de Nantes, Laboratoire AAU Crenau. Il est lauréat du concours Innovation ministère de la Recherche en 2001, catégorie « Émergence ». Ses recherches sont centrées sur la scénographie virtuelle dans une problématique autour des outils de représentation et de communication du projet architectural.

State certified architect, PHD in engineering sciences, lecturer at the National school of architecture of nantes and member of the research unit AAU Crenau. He is the winner of the « Innovation » competition organized by the French Ministry of research in two thousand and one . His research is focuses on virtual scenography and its issues in the architectural projects.

Sophia Vyzoviti >
Publications presented

vyzovitiSophia Vyzoviti is an architect and assistant professor at the School of Architecture at the University of Thessaly in Greece. Her research focuses on Design Methodology and particularly on Design Tool Development, Modelling of Spatial Interaction and Form Generation Processes. She holds a PhD from Delft University of Technology. She has also taught at the University of Cyprus, the National University of Singapore and Delft University of Technology. Sophia has been a fellow of the State Scholarships Foundation Greece and has been awarded prizes in international competitions such as Europan and ARES.


> Vendredi 15h-17h / Friday 3 to 5 p.m.

3h-3h30 Petersen Rikke Munch > Publications presented

rikkeRikke is trained as an architect and landscape architect from the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture, Design and conservation (KADK), where she also received her PhD. She researches methodologies addressing the body´s sensorium, a more dynamic, sequential, transient and aesthetic spatial approach towards landscape transformation and an extended sensory awareness in relation to design and planning processes. Rikke is part of the research groups ‘Landscape Architecture and Urbanism’ and ‘Spatial Change and Planning’ and part of the organizing group for the Copenhagen Landscape Lectures series.


3h30-4h Marc Crunelle > Publications presented

crunelleMarc Crunelle est architecte, sculpteur et docteur en psychologie de l’espace . Il s’est spécialisé dans le rôle et l’importance des perceptions de l’espace architectural. Professeur à l’Académie Royale des Beaux-Arts de Bruxelles et professeur honoraire de PERCEPTIONS et de théorie de l’architecture de la faculté d’architecture  de l’Université Libre de Bruxelles.

Marc is architect, sculptor and holds a doctorate in space psychology ; he spezialises in the rôle and the importance of perceptions of architectural space. Professor at the royal Academy of fine arts of Bruxelles, he is also emeritus professor from the faculty of architecture of the Université libre of bruxelles (ULB).

Cristina Palmese >
Publications presented

palmeseItalian architect specialized in urban planning by the University of Naples, It. Her professional and research activities concern urban planning projects, audiovisual productions, multimedia installations and stage design. Her work has been presented in different festivals and congresses, as well as specialized publications on music and architecture, audiovisual interaction and soundscape studies, subjects in which she has lectured in different courses and workshops.



4h30-5h Ari Koivumäki > Publications presented

Principal Lecturer, master’s Degree Programme in Media Production, TAMK Mediapolis, media production, screenwriting, sound design.


Pour citer ce billet : Bizien, Laurence ; Acquier, Françoise, « Ephemeral library’s detailed program « Ambiances, tomorrow », Volos 2016 », Le Cresson veille et recherche. A propos d’ambiances architecturales et urbaines (Hypothè, 16 septembre 2016. [En ligne]

Françoise Acquier

Chargée de ressources documentaires Equipe Cresson - UMR Ambiances Architectures Urbanités - Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Grenoble.

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Françoise Acquier (16 septembre 2016). Ephemeral library’s detailed program “Ambiances, tomorrow”, Volos 2016. Le Cresson veille et recherche…. Consulté le 14 décembre 2024 à l’adresse

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2 réponses

  1. 13 avril 2017

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  2. 18 avril 2017

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