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Ouvrage : Space and Sense, By Susanna Millar, Price: £29.95, Binding: Hardback, Pages: 248, Published by: Psychology Press, Publication Date: 7th April 2008, ISBN: 978-1-84169-525-9

Space and Sense

How do we perceive the space around us, locate objects within it, and make our way through it? What do the senses contribute?

This book focuses on touch in order to examine which aspects of vision and touch overlap in spatial processing. It argues that spatial processing depends crucially on integrating diverse sensory inputs as reference cues for the location, distance or direction response that spatial tasks demand. Space and Sense shows how perception by touch, as by vision, can be helped by external reference cues, and that ‘visual’ illusions that are also found in touch depend on common factors and do not occur by chance.

Introduction: Overview and Layout of the Book. Concepts of Space and Perception Through Touch and Vision in Historical Perspective. The Reference Hypothesis: Spatial Coding as Integrative Processing of Converging Inputs from Vision, Touch and Movement. Cues which Lure People from Walking Straight-ahead in Large-scale Spaces that Lack Reference Cues. Hand Movements and Spatial Cues in Small-scale Space and in Shape Perception by Touch. External and Body-centered Reference in Haptic Memory for Spatial Locations. ‘Visual’ Illusions that Occur in Touch: Evidence for Some Common Factors. Müller-Lyer Shapes in Touch and Vision. What does Vision Contribute to Touch? How Far have we got? Where are we Going?

Françoise Acquier

Chargée de ressources documentaires Equipe Cresson - UMR Ambiances Architectures Urbanités - Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Grenoble.

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Françoise Acquier (5 mai 2008). Ouvrage : Space and Sense, By Susanna Millar, Price: £29.95, Binding: Hardback, Pages: 248, Published by: Psychology Press, Publication Date: 7th April 2008, ISBN: 978-1-84169-525-9. Le Cresson veille et recherche…. Consulté le 16 janvier 2025 à l’adresse

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