En ligne : The essential William H. Whyte. William H. Whyte, Albert LaFarge (ed.). 2000. Publisher Fordham University Press Pages 383
The Essential William H. Whyte offers the core writings of a great observer of the postwar American scene. Included are selections from The Organization Man, Securing Space for Urban America: Conservation Easements, The Last Landscape, The Social Life of Urban Spaces, and City: Rediscovering the Center, as well as many of Whyte’s articles from Fortune Magazine.
William H. Whyte was an American urbanist, organizational analyst, journalist and people-watcher. Albert LaFarge was raised in New York City, where he has worked as a book editor since 1985.
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Françoise Acquier (25 juin 2010). En ligne : The essential William H. Whyte. William H. Whyte, Albert LaFarge (ed.). 2000. Publisher Fordham University Press Pages 383. Le Cresson veille et recherche…. Consulté le 12 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/qrpy
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