Ouvrage : Public Places Urban Spaces The Dimensions of Urban Design 2nd Edition. Matthew Carmona, Tim Heath, Taner Oc, Steve Tiesdell. Elsevier : Jul 19, 2010. ISBN: 978-1-85617-827-3. Pages: 408. 41 euros
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Public Places – Urban Spaces provides a comprehensive introduction to the principles and theory of urban design. This new edition incorporates the latest policy, practice and research, with expanded discussions on key areas such as sustainability, health and inclusion.
This tried and trusted textbook has been updated with relevant case studies to show students how principles have been put into practice. It is now in full colour and a larger format; so students and lecturers get a much stronger visual package and easy to use layout, enabling them to apply more easily the principles of urban design to their projects.
The authors explain the catalysts of change and renewal, and explore the global and local contexts and processes within which urban design as ‘place-making’ occurs. The book presents six key dimensions of urban design theory and practice – the social, visual, functional, temporal, morphological and perceptual – and relates these to discussions of the market, regulatory processes and how design is communicated. This is a clear and accessible text that provides a comprehensive discussion of this complex subject.
PART I: THE CONTEXT FOR URBAN DESIGN; 1. Urban design today, 2. Urban change, 3. Contexts for urban design; PART II: THE DIMENSIONS OF URBAN DESIGN, 4. The morphological dimension, 5. The perceptual dimension, 6. The social dimension, 7. The visual dimension, 8. The functional dimension, 9. The temporal dimension; PART III: IMPLEMENTING URBAN DESIGN, 10. The development process, 11. The control process, 12. The communication process, 13. Holistic urban design
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Françoise Acquier (8 juillet 2010). Ouvrage : Public Places Urban Spaces The Dimensions of Urban Design 2nd Edition. Matthew Carmona, Tim Heath, Taner Oc, Steve Tiesdell. Elsevier : Jul 19, 2010. ISBN: 978-1-85617-827-3. Pages: 408. 41 euros. Le Cresson veille et recherche…. Consulté le 12 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/qrqj
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