Rapport en ligne : Ordinary places du CABE, mars 2010, 28p.
Source Crévilles
CABE : Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment, Grande Bretagne
A starting point for debate about creating the culture and conditions to help ordinary places to become valued and valuable. Ordinary places asks how people can directly influence the quality of their places. Why don’t all pupils learn about design, to help make sense of the places around them? Why aren’t all architects trained in public engagement, so that they can respond directly to local needs? The report is full of new thinking and ideas that make ordinary, common sense. It is essential reading for anyone interested in getting the best for their place, from politicians and local councils to schools and community groups. Lien
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Françoise Acquier (17 septembre 2010). Rapport en ligne : Ordinary places du CABE, mars 2010, 28p. Le Cresson veille et recherche…. Consulté le 16 janvier 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/qrra
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