Revue : Public Spaces and Private Lives in Paris
Le numéro January 2011; 37 (1) de la revue Journal of Urban History a pour titre Public Spaces and Private Lives in Paris qui est aussi le titre d’un cession d’un colloque qui a eu lieu en 2009 aux Etats Unis. Les articles publiés sont issus de ce colloque.
* Michael H. Ebner /Metropolitan Revisions: Storylines from American History
* Rachel G. Fuchs / Public Spaces and Private Lives in Paris: Introduction
* Victoria E. Thompson / Knowing Paris: Changing Approaches to Describing the Enlightenment City
* Richard S. Hopkins / Sauvons le Luxembourg: Urban Greenspace as Private Domain and Public Battleground, 1865—1867
* Eliza Ferguson / The Cosmos of the Paris Apartment: Working-Class Family Life in the Nineteenth Century
* Mary P. Ryan / Public Space and Private Lives: Comments
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