Laboratoire d’art urbain Stalker : la marche dansée
En lisant le billet paru sur le blog de la ville sur le groupe de recherche Stalker, j’ai pensé à cet ouvrage de Careri, membre du groupe Stalker, qui est disponible à la doc :
Walkscapes = Walking as an aesthetic practice : el andar como practica estética / Careri, Francesco, Auteur. – Barcelona [Espagne] : Gustavo Gili, SA, 2002. – 203 p.
Walkscapes traite la flânerie comme architecture du paysage. Marcher est considéré comme une forme autonome d’art, un acte symbolique de transformation du paysage, un instrument de connaissance et une transformation physique de l’espace négocié, qui est transformé en espace d’intervention.
Francesco Careri (Rome, 1966) graduated in architecture in 1993 in Rome. His doctoral research began in Naples in 1996, resulting in a thesis entitled “The Journey”. He is a member of the Stalker urban art workshop, an open interdisciplinary structure that conducts research on the city through experiences of transurbance in open spaces and in interaction with the inhabitants. He has taught at the Institut d’Arts Visuels d’Orléans and the Schools of Architecture of Reggio Calabria and Roma Tre, experimenting together with the students on methods of reappropriation and direct intervention in public space. He has recently published a book on Constant and the Situationist city Constant imagined in the late 1950s and early 1960s (Constant / New Babylon, una città nomade, Testo & Immagine, Turin 2001), and participated with Stalker in many international exhibitions of contemporary art and architecture.
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Françoise Acquier (11 mars 2011). Laboratoire d’art urbain Stalker : la marche dansée. Le Cresson veille et recherche…. Consulté le 13 décembre 2024 à l’adresse
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