Appel à communication : EURAU 12 Public Space and Contemporary City, date limite 15 février 2012
Arezou nous signaler cet appel à communication qui nous parait vraiment bien dans l’articulation pratique et projet autour des ambiances.
EURAU12 invites researchers and professionals from the various disciplinary areas that intervene in the study and transformation of Public Space of the Contemporary City to submit abstracts that fit under the proposed themes.
1. Making City
2. Building Urban Fabric
3. Creating Urban Order
Architects, anthropologists, artists, designers, engineers, economists, writers, geographers, historians, sociologists, urbanists, among others, will be able to contribute with their specific vision through scientific articles.
The abstracts for acceptance of articles must be exclusively submitted online (see Article submission > Abstract Submission) until February 15nd. The abstracts must be submitted in English, specify the theme that they apply to and have a 600 words limit.
Further information at
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Françoise Acquier (27 janvier 2012). Appel à communication : EURAU 12 Public Space and Contemporary City, date limite 15 février 2012. Le Cresson veille et recherche…. Consulté le 8 septembre 2024 à l’adresse
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