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Appel à contribution : Critical Issues in Environmental Noise, Date limite 13 mars 2013

Nicolas Rémy nous signale cet appel à communication pour la revue Science of the Total Environment qui parait chez Elsevier : journal for publication of original research on the total environment, which includes the atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, lithosphere, and anthroposphere.

Lire l’appel à contribution sur le site de l’éditeur.

Asc. Prof. Pavlos Kassomenos, University of Ioannina,
Ass. Prof. Konstantinos VOGIATZIS University of Thessaly,
Prof. J. L. Bento Coelho, CAPS – Instituto Superior Tecnico,

Noise pollution is a major problem affecting negatively the quality of urban life and a significant part of the urban population worldwide. Health impacts of environmental noise are a growing concern among both the general public and policy-makers in Europe & the world. Environmental Noise – especially from urban & semi transportation – is widely accepted as an end-point of environmental noise that can be taken as a basis for evaluating the impact of noise on the exposed population. Extensive urbanization and the increase of all modes of surface and air transport defines the main driving forces for the environmental noise exposure of the population. The severity of health effects due to noise versus the number of people affected is schematically is quite important. Annoyance, sleep disturbance, cardiovascular disease, cognitive impairment, hearing impairment and tinnitus seems to be related to environmental noise.

Especially environmental noise during operation of urban and semi-urban motorways, metros, LRT’s, and urban tramways is a major factor of discomfort with special emphasis to the population exposed to annoyance due to airborne & ground borne noise and vibration. Extensive examination on the matter of environmental noise in urban conditions and their impact to population and evaluation of the appropriate strategic noise mapping as an assessment tool and relevant noise action plans introducing mitigation measures is an important issue of urban noise management and abatement in various countries.

This special issue of the Int. Journal “Science of the Total Environment” is dedicated to addressing critical issues, learning from past experiences, and introducing proven or novel methods for sustainable environmental noise management. Papers on any aspect of environmental noise around the world are eligible. We particularly encourage submissions that mainly address the following priority topics :

Priority Topics :

Environmental Noise from road transportation networks
Environmental Noise and population exposure
Environmental Noise annoyance
Environmental noise exposure and health
Urban Soundscape – Urban Acoustics
Environmental Noise and Vibration from urban rail networks
Airport Noise: Airport Urban Integration
Environmental noise legislation
Environmental Noise Impact Assessment
Environmental Noise Modelling and Mapping
Environmental Noise & Land use planning.
Low noise pavements to reduce traffic noise – Tyre/road noise modelling and experimental validation.

Françoise Acquier

Chargée de ressources documentaires Equipe Cresson - UMR Ambiances Architectures Urbanités - Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Grenoble.

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Françoise Acquier (11 janvier 2013). Appel à contribution : Critical Issues in Environmental Noise, Date limite 13 mars 2013. Le Cresson veille et recherche…. Consulté le 10 février 2025 à l’adresse

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