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Appel à communication : Ambiance and Atmospheres: Encountering New Material Frontiers, date limite 6 février 2013

Damien Masson nous signale qu’il co-organise cette session “Ambiance and Atmospheres: Encountering New Material Frontiers” dans le cadre du congrès RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2013.
Date limite : 06-Feb-2013

RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2013
Ambiance and Atmospheres: Encountering New Material Frontiers
Research Group Affiliation(s)
History and Philosophy of Geography Research Group
Session Convenor(s)
Paul Simpson (Keele University)
Peter Adey (Royal Holloway, University of London)
Damien Masson (Cergy Pontoise University)

Recent work on affect in Anglophone human geography has opened up new material frontiers by theorizing affective atmospheres (Anderson 2009; Bissell 2010; McCormack 2008). In such work we see an adjustment of thinking towards and around the relations between bodies and their environment by considering the ways in which bodies are situated within diffuse, distributed, sensible, and potentially turbulent volumes. Such an emphasis on the atmospheric, taken in both its meteorological and felt/affective sense, is in many ways tied to an expanded conception of materiality that draws attention to “the vibrant, constitutive, aleatory, and even immaterial indices” of materiality and materialization (Coole and Frost 2010: 14; Bennett 2010).

However, Anglophone human geographers have not been alone in thinking through these sorts of tensions or in exploring these frontier zones of indeterminacy. Emerging largely independently from this work, Francophone scholars have developed an established body of work considering ‘ambiances’ as the milieu of social life (Augoyard 1995; Masson 2009; Tixier 2001; Thibaud 2003). Having emerged in the fields of Architecture and Urban Studies over the past 50 years, work here has sought to understand the relations of perception around the compositions of individuals, collectives, and their environment, and the co-production of a pervasive and immediate felt sense of space from this.

In these sessions we seek to bring together scholars interesting in both affective atmospheres and ambiances in thinking through the frontiers these conceptualisation both together and apart open up for geographic research. Papers can be conceptual, methodological, empirical, performative, or any combination of these.

We particularly encourage papers that :

– think through the possible advances a conversation between these previously separate traditions of work can offer to geographic understandings of materiality/sociality

– reflect on the conjunctions and disjunctions between these traditions of work

– consider the methodological tensions in apprehending and presenting affective atmospheres and/or ambiances in various forms of text, media, installation, or performance-based research

– engage specific atmosphere and/or ambiances, and the milieus from which they emerge

– Consider the politics of controlling, designing, and (re)shaping atmospheres and/or ambiances

– Outline ways in which modes of atmospheric and/or ambiance-based critique can be developed

Instructions for Authors

Abstracts of no more than 250 words should be sent to Paul Simpson (, Peter Adey (, and Damien Masson ( by Wednesday 6th February. Please feel free to contact us if you would like to enquire about the suitability of your paper for the session.

Françoise Acquier

Chargée de ressources documentaires Equipe Cresson - UMR Ambiances Architectures Urbanités - Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Grenoble.

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Françoise Acquier (11 janvier 2013). Appel à communication : Ambiance and Atmospheres: Encountering New Material Frontiers, date limite 6 février 2013. Le Cresson veille et recherche…. Consulté le 16 janvier 2025 à l’adresse

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