Call for papers : Urban sounds, Sound Effects journal, 15 juin 2013
houhou ! avis aux amateurs !!!
The experience of the post industrial city take on many forms, all depending on how we approach the city: walking with headphones on, driving in a car, dwelling in a park lying on the back, sitting in the movie theatre or listening to the radio. All these bodily and sensorial entries to the city relate to auditory aspects of the urban experience. Of course the city is full of sounds, not just in terms of noise or of city soundscapes, but also of concerts, sport events, installation art, social unrest, activist politics, and foreign languages. All these topics have in the past two decades played an important role for the development of sound studies as an independent area of research. With the emergence of digital technologies, new communication systems, and mobile devices, but also of experience economy and environmental initiatives, the city is full of new sounds and forms of expression.
Revisiting the notion of urban sounds in this special issue of SoundEffects we invite authors to engage with these new aspects. Articles may include empirical studies, analysis of art and cultural phenomena, sociological and anthropological approaches, or historical projects targeting for instance digital archives and the cities harbouring in them.
We invite authors to upload full articles of 5-6000 words no later than June 15th 2013 on the SoundEffects website. Articles will undergo a double-blind peer review process. Those articles selected for publications will be included in SoundEffects vol. 3.3 scheduled to appear in December 2013
Editors of this issue of SoundEffects are Erik Granly Jensen and Jacob Kreutzfeldt
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Françoise Acquier (17 mai 2013). Call for papers : Urban sounds, Sound Effects journal, 15 juin 2013. Le Cresson veille et recherche…. Consulté le 15 février 2025 à l’adresse
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