Article : Making Maps with Sound, March 25, 2008 by John Krygier
Nicolas Rémy a dépouillé pour nous la lettre du WFAE et a retenu l’article suivant :
Sound and Geographic Visualization by John Krygier. This chapter discusses the use of realistic and abstract sound for geographic visualization applications. Examples of how and why sound may be useful are developed and discussed. Uses of sound in geographic visualization include sound as vocal narration, as a mimetic symbol, as a redundant variable, as a means of detecting anomalies, as a means of reducing visual distraction, as a cue to reordered data, as an alternative to visual patterns, as an alarm or monitor, as a means of adding non-visual data dimensions to interactive visual displays, and for representing locations in a sound space. The chapter concludes with research issues concerning sound and its use in geographic visualization. This article was was published as a chapter in the now out-of-print book Visualization in Modern Cartography (MacEachren & Taylor eds., 1994). Lien vers l’article
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Françoise Acquier (5 mars 2009). Article : Making Maps with Sound, March 25, 2008 by John Krygier. Le Cresson veille et recherche…. Consulté le 12 février 2025 à l’adresse
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