Livre : The art of walking: a field guide
Source Librairie du CCA ; Lien vers l’éditeur
David Evans (ed.). The art of walking: a field guide. Black Dog Publishing, 2013. 187 pages, $24.95 CAN (pb.). ISBN : 978 1 907317 87 3
The Art of Walking: a field guide is one extensive survey of walking in contemporary art. Combining short texts on the subject with a variety of artists work, this publication provides a new way of looking at this everyday subject.
The introduction relates peripatetic art now to a wide range of historic precedents, and is followed by a series of visually led ‘Walks’ dealing with seven overlapping themes: footprints and lines; writers and philosophers; marches and processions; aliens, dandies and drifters; slapstick; studios, museums and biennales; and dog walkers.
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