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Livre : Touching Space, Placing Touch

touchSource : note de lecture revue Senses and society

Touching Space, Placing Touch. Mark Paterson (University of Pittsburgh, USA) and Martin Dodge (University of Manchester, UK). Ashgate, October 2012. 288 pages. ISBN: 978-1-4094-0214-5.

Given that touch and touching is so central to everyday embodied existence, why has it been largely ignored by social scientists for so long? What is the place of touch in our mixed spaces of sociality, work, domesticity, recreation, creativity or care? What conceptual resources and academic languages can we reach towards when approaching tactile activities and somatic experiences through the body? How is this tactile landscape gendered? How is touch becoming revisited and revalidated in late capitalism through animal encounters, tourism, massage, beauty treatments, professional medicine, everyday spiritualities or the aseptic touch-free spaces of automated toilets? How is touch placed and valued within scholarly fieldwork and research itself, integral as it is to the production of embodied epistemologies? How is touch involved in such aesthetic experiences as shaping objects in sand, or encountering fleshly bodies within a painting?

Contents: Introduction: placing touch within social theory and empirical study, Mark Paterson, Martin Dodge and Sara MacKian; Negotiating therapeutic touch: encountering massage through the ‘mixed bodies’ of Michel Serres, Jennifer Lea; Touching the beach, Pau Obrador; Touching space in hurt and healing: exploring experiences of illness and recovery through tactile art, Amanda Bingley; Facing touch in the beauty salon: corporeal anxiety, Elizabeth R. Straughan; Fieldwork: how to get in(to) touch. Towards a haptic regime of knowledge in geography, Anne Volvey; Guiding visually impaired walking groups: intercorporeal experience and ethical sensibilities, Hannah Macpherson; Touch, skin cultures and the space of medicine: the birth of biosubjective care, Bernard Andrieu, Anne-Flore Laloë and Alexandre Klein; Touching environmentalisms: the place of touch in the fraught biogeographies of elephant captivity, Jamie Lorimer; Towards touch-free spaces: sensors, software and the automatic production of shared public toilets, Martin Dodge and Rob Kitchin; In close embrace: the space between two dancers, Sarah G. Cant; Intra-body touching and the over-life sized paintings of Jenny Savile, Rachel Colls; Touched by spirit: sensing the material impacts of intangible encounters, Sara MacKian; Index.

Françoise Acquier

Chargée de ressources documentaires Equipe Cresson - UMR Ambiances Architectures Urbanités - Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Grenoble.

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