IRIS : Réponse impulsionnelle acoustique en 3D – mesure et visualisation
Source : Iris
La société Marshall Day Acoustics, bien connue pour son logiciel INSUL (qui permet de calculer l’indice d’affaiblissement de toute paroi) a sorti un logiciel de mesure en 3 dimensions en acoustique des salles. Cet équipement permet de mesurer et de visualiser les contributions, en un point de mesure, du champ direct et du champ réverbéré (différentes réflexions). Ce type de résultats permet de mieux comprendre les différentes valeurs de critères de l’acoustique des salles : clarté, définition, force, STI, etc… .
“It’s not often something really new comes along in the Room Acoustics field, but Marshall Day Acoustics has just released a new measurement system that promises to provide a dramatic step forward in being able to understand the acoustics of rooms. The system comprises a tetrahedral microphone that can resolve the sound field into different directions, and software that can analyse the signals from the four microphones and present the information in simple yet elegant way that aids ones understanding of the behaviour of the sound field.
The IRIS system has been under development for nearly 3 years but it has its origins in the efforts by many researchers over the last 60 years to understand the factors that affect our appreciation of speech and music performed in Concert Halls, Opera Houses, Lecture Theatres and all the wide variety of spaces that are used for performance and communication.
The system uses existing readily available hardware, and the software runs on low cost laptop computers, thus providing a system that is affordable for consultants and educational institutes”. More…
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Nicolas Rémy (27 novembre 2013). IRIS : Réponse impulsionnelle acoustique en 3D – mesure et visualisation. Le Cresson veille et recherche…. Consulté le 8 septembre 2024 à l’adresse
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